In line with how the press in the past has had a totally hands off policy on the children of sitting presidents, many folks are recommending a hands-off press policy on the minor children of politicians, pointing out that she's 13 and not in an elected office. I can see things heating up as Ted tries to primary Trump for 2024, when the kid is a few years older and in the prime teen years of 15 or so. NYT has reported that Cruz' 13-year-old daughter "doesn't agree with most of his views."Īpparently Cruz Daughter #1 shared her feelings about her dad via a public Tik Tok, but the account had been made private before the NYT went to press. Interesting controversy brewing in the Cruz family and how the press deals with it. I love Texas (Go Longhorns) but when it comes to Covid, I'm glad we are nothing like you. and if you stand against a live-saving vaccine then you sure as hell don't stand with Australians. We don't need your lectures, thanks mate. We've been in lockdown for just eight days in eighteen months. We've done whatever it takes to protect the Territory. Vaccination is so important here because we have vulnerable communities and the oldest living culture on the planet to protect. There have been zero deaths in the Territory. Here are some facts.ħ0,000 Texans have tragically died from Covid. Hi Ted Cruz, g'day from the Northern Territory in Australia.

Reply from Michael Gunner, the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory: The Covid tyranny of their current government is disgraceful and sad. I've always said Australia is the Texas of the Pacific. Their history of rugged independence is legendary. I'm not sure if this happened today or some time ago but I just saw the exchange today on Twitter and have been howling laughing - the ultimate reply to Ted and his stupidity!!!!